In light of Scott Brown's recent election to the U.S. Senate, here's a couple of reminders to our American readers why you can't laissez-faire no mo'.
1) You can't use over-mortgaged properties as equity
2) You can't expect Wall Street to police itself
Well, that's my political commentary for the day. Cosmo poster boy beats out Camelot. That's show biz, er, U.S politics, for ya. I just hope the saucy pic boosts G-Mole's daytime female readership. In the words of Cadillac Bill: "Ratings"
And speaking of show-biz & popular music, here's a good encapsulation of What Went Fown in the Aughts. You didn't miss much, apparently. Thanks to Robert "Robot" Hull for this one.
If you haven't already seen it, here's a 1988 vintage interview with Dave "Rave" Desroches, the former singer/guitarist for the Shakers & Teenage Head . Originally printed in the analogue pages of FFanzeen, I had forgotten a this piece, which 20+ years later, makes a good companion piece to Liz Worth's Treat Me Like Dirt book.
More recently, FFanzeen editor Robert Barry Francos has been musing on life in his newly-adopted home of Saskatoon
And speaking of New York State of Minds, two last things:
1)NY Doll David Johansen appears on the "New York Outer Boroughs" (originally aired September 7, 2009) episode of Anthony Bourdain\s: No Reservations TV program, extolling the virtues of a Staten Island Tiki Bar.
1) I saw the Sam Mendes film Away We Go. It was funny in spots: a 30-something couple, expecting there first child, travel over North America to find a "home". En route, they meet "people with peculiar tastes" in Madison, Arizona,Miami and Montreal.
The latter city's adventure features a pole dancing sequence involving The Velvet Underground's "Oh Sweet Nothing" , one of my all-time fave music pieces on the planet.
The ending is kinda pat: hey, I wish I could come "home" to a ready-to-occupy mansion. One thing I noticed, though : put a beard & glasses on John Krasinski & he looks a LOT like former Tell The Divers bass guy, D Croz. I think that's about it...
Picture; John Krasinski, cleverly disguised as D Croz